Our Sevices

We provide retirement and other benefits to meet the contingency needs of workers and their dependents and to provide other related matters

Every member of the Scheme is entitled to a package of benefit, in the event of Old age, Invalidity and Death


Everyone can be a member of NASSIT. It is mandatory for all employers to ensure that workers in their establishments /organisations /businesses are registered with the National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT).

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It is mandatory for all employers to ensure that their workers are registered and contributing to the scheme. The employer deducts 5% from the employee's earnings and pays another 10% on behalf of the employee, giving a total contribution of 15%.

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Pay Benefits

We provide benefit packages, as prescribed by the NASSIT Act of 2001, in the event of Old age, Invalidity and Death.

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The financing of the Social Security Scheme comes primarily from contributions and investment earnings. So, we participate in Investment that promotes national development.

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Our Investments.

We invest accumulated funds subject to safety, yield and liquidity considerations